Business 2017-2018
Throughout the year, we will cover a variety of concepts. Many of the concepts we discuss build upon each other, therefore, regular attendance and active participation are important! Some of the concepts we will explore include:
Rules and Expectations:
Grading Scale:
A 93-100 C 73-76
A- 90-92 C- 70-72
B+ 87-89 D+ 67-69
B 83-86 D 63-66
B- 80-82 D- 60-62
C+ 77-79 F 0-59Homework and Assignments:
Students will occasionally have homework in this class. Feel free to contact me if questions arise while your student is working on their homework. Emailing me is probably the easiest way to get in touch with me. Assignments must score at least a ‘3’ on the following rubric before it will be graded.
Throughout the year, we will cover a variety of concepts. Many of the concepts we discuss build upon each other, therefore, regular attendance and active participation are important! Some of the concepts we will explore include:
- Perform basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) involving whole numbers, fractions, and decimals
- Perform basic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division) involving money
- Perform computations involving percent
- Compute elapsed time
- Identify the qualities of leadership and demonstrate leadership ability in a work or school setting or on projects.
- Read time charts and work schedules and perform tasks within time constraints of school and/or the workplace.
Rules and Expectations:
- Students may sit where they are comfortable, as long as their choice does not inhibit their performance or the performance of others.
- Come to class prepared and on time. Make sure you have all needed supplies with you when class begins (Paper, Pencil, Planner, Headphones, etc.).
- Food and drink are allowed in class, as long as they do not require the use of a utensil. Students are expected to clean up after themselves (clean up spills, throw away wrappers, etc.)
Grading Scale:
A 93-100 C 73-76
A- 90-92 C- 70-72
B+ 87-89 D+ 67-69
B 83-86 D 63-66
B- 80-82 D- 60-62
C+ 77-79 F 0-59Homework and Assignments:
Students will occasionally have homework in this class. Feel free to contact me if questions arise while your student is working on their homework. Emailing me is probably the easiest way to get in touch with me. Assignments must score at least a ‘3’ on the following rubric before it will be graded.
Late Work:
Assignments that are not turned in on time, without prior approval from the teacher, will reflect a subtraction of 10% of the total points earned. Students will have a (2) two week grace period from the date an assignment was given to turn in that assignment. If an assignment has not been turned in after (2) two weeks, the student will receive a zero for that assignment.
Active participation in class discussions and activities is expected each day. Attitudes and behaviors that are not supportive of an active learning environment will primarily be addressed in the classroom. If necessary, additional steps to address a concern will be taken, such as contacting the office or a parent.
Discussion Board:
Each week, students will be presented with a discussion topic found on our class discussion board at Students can earn up to 10 points per week in these discussions. Students are expected to respond to the original post/topic, as well as reply to comments made by at least one other student. Students may respond to as many posts as they would like, but a max of 10 points can be earned each week. All responses are expected to be in the form of a complete paragraph, relative to what is being discussed, and classroom appropriate. Discussion board topics will be made available each Monday at 8:00 AM. Students will have until 11:59PM the following Saturday to complete their initial response to the discussion board topic. They must reply to the response of a classmate no later than 8:00 PM that Tuesday.
Assignments that are not turned in on time, without prior approval from the teacher, will reflect a subtraction of 10% of the total points earned. Students will have a (2) two week grace period from the date an assignment was given to turn in that assignment. If an assignment has not been turned in after (2) two weeks, the student will receive a zero for that assignment.
Active participation in class discussions and activities is expected each day. Attitudes and behaviors that are not supportive of an active learning environment will primarily be addressed in the classroom. If necessary, additional steps to address a concern will be taken, such as contacting the office or a parent.
Discussion Board:
Each week, students will be presented with a discussion topic found on our class discussion board at Students can earn up to 10 points per week in these discussions. Students are expected to respond to the original post/topic, as well as reply to comments made by at least one other student. Students may respond to as many posts as they would like, but a max of 10 points can be earned each week. All responses are expected to be in the form of a complete paragraph, relative to what is being discussed, and classroom appropriate. Discussion board topics will be made available each Monday at 8:00 AM. Students will have until 11:59PM the following Saturday to complete their initial response to the discussion board topic. They must reply to the response of a classmate no later than 8:00 PM that Tuesday.
- Assignments 80% of Grade) – Homework and assignments makes up a large part of your grade in this class. When homework is assigned, it is due the following day of class (unless otherwise noted). It is expected that homework will be completed prior to your arrival to class. Late work will result in a 10% deduction of points earned. Certain assignments completed in class will also be placed in this category.
- Discussion Board (20% of Grade) – As discussed above, you will be expected to participate in an online discussion board for each chapter. Participating in these discussions is an easy way to boost your grade.
- My class website is Everything you will need to be successful in this class can be found at this website (assignments, due dates, test review activities, links, etc). Please make a habit of checking this website for updated information!
- The store website can be found at This website will be used daily for recording daily sales, entering student account deposits and withdrawals, taking inventory, etc. These functions can be found under the ‘Employee Portal’ of this website, which is password protected. Students will be provided with this password in class.