Student Information System for Lake Michigan Academy

Lake Michigan Academy is using the student information system to manage enrollment, track attendance and grades, print out report cards and more.
QuickSchools is a user-friendly web-based software that enables school information to be easily accessible at any time of day. It also features a convenient parent portal where parents can track the educational progress made by their children in their classes, check the latest homework and get up-to the-minute school news.
If you already have an account, login here:
If you do not yet have an account, contact the school office to get your account set up.
The following are some of the more common questions asked about the QuickSchools student information system, and how to access and use it:
I’ve never heard of an online school management program. What is QuickSchools?
QuickSchools student information system is an online service that streamlines numerous management and administrative tasks for our school, ranging from attendance, to grading, to homework assignments and more. With QuickSchools, teachers and parents can access their accounts from anywhere through any device.
What do I do if I have forgotten my password?
If you have an account but forgot your password, simply hit the blue “Forgot your password” link below the password field on the login screen and the program will take you through some simple steps to reset your password.

What kind of features does this system offer specifically for parents?
One of QuickSchools' main features is the Parent Portal. When you log in with a parent account, you can access the following aspects of your child’s records:
- Grades
- Attendance
- Homework
- Report cards
- Fees
- Personal Information
Can I use the software system to communicate directly with others involved with the school?
Absolutely! Parents can message teachers and even other parents easily via QuickSchools.
If you already have an account, you can log into the parent portal here.
How can I see a demonstration of the parent portal and its key features?
Easy! For a brief video tutorial on how to use the parent portal, watch this video or just hit play below.
I’d like some more detailed information. Where can I find manuals to learn how to use the system?
You can access the online manuals here.
Do you have video tutorials available to help show me how it works?
Yes, video tutorials are available at the QuickSchools YouTube channel here.
Video tutorials are also available within the QuickSchools application, so login and give it a try!